Experiences and Events

Here’s where you will find our Contextual Experiences, which will respond to our community’s needs. These experiences will be authentic, purposeful, and personal.

  • Authentic: Data driven, addressing the specific needs of our community.
  • Purposeful: Hands-on learning activities where the writer achieves a specific and personal goal.
  • Personal: Unique experiences for each writer.

WCLC Experiences could be a single event or a series of workshops. Some Experiences may involve small groups while others might be one-on-one. Our focus will always be based on the needs of the community. For example, if we learn some of our writers are baffled by the comma, we may offer an experience on comma usage. Or, some writers would benefit from an accountability coach to help keep them on task, and the WCLC will help them find something that works.

Other potential experiences could be Prepping for Query Letters, Self-Editing, and Developing a Writing Schedule.

Our Current Experiences